Sunday, May 30, 2010

88> Gone Fishin'... sort of...

Sorry folks, I’m without internet and with very limited power, at least for a while. As many of you know, I normally flee the hot climate of Texas in the warmer seasons, when possible. I am in New Hampshire working on ongoing projects that are related to my cabin here. Since my power here is limited to a few solar cells, and I have no internet access, I usually rely on a particular comfy chair at the trusty town library for any computer related activities, including this blog. The problem is that the library is closed for remodeling. If it were a rainy day, I might be inclined to travel a few miles further and make an afternoon or an evening of it at some other library, but work calls me back to Texas soon, and I need to make the most of the good weather and my limited time here.

Sorry about the broken link to the video in the last post. I don’t know why it doesn’t work. If you search YouTube for it, you get the same video at the same address. Go figure. I also apologize for all of the unanswered emails. The library is supposed to be finished in a week, and rain is forecast, so stay tuned!


Andrew F said...

Enjoy your vacation!

Anonymous said...

:) Maybe the regular breaks to a tech-free environment is what's keeping you - and the blog - so healthy and fresh. Enjoy!

Dan said...

Thanks for the kind words, guys...